When Reba attended one of my services a couple of years ago, I had no idea then what a divine connection she would be in my life. But since that time, I have seen the plan of God unfold more fully, and I am thrilled about what His plan holds for the Body of Christ and these end times through the precious gifts that are in Reba Rambo.
The many giftings in Reba are varied and rich. With great skill, she carries on the work that began with her mother, Dottie. That same anointing flows mightily through Reba, and it is a flow that is vital in these end times. When she ministers, the depth of anointing is apparent and tangible. The flow of the services are elevated as she skillfully follows the Spirit of God. I don’t take giftings and anointings like hers for granted. The earth needs what is in her, and what is in her is life-changing.
Reba imparts to the next generation from the abundant treasure in her. Those impartations are critical to the plan of God for the coming years, and I am so grateful that I get to watch the greatness of God’s plan continue to unfold in her and through her.
It is with great honor and joy that I call this precious lady, this precious gift, my friend!
– Pastor Nancy Dufresne, Dufresne Ministries, Murrieta, CA
I have loved Reba Rambo since I was 11 years old and mama took me to the Jones Hall in Houston, TX to hear The Singing Rambo’s. From those tender days until now, she has been a follower of Jesus. She writes. She sings. She ministers. She is my hero and friend.
– Mark Lowry
From my earliest memories as a child, the soundtrack to my whole world was The Rambo’s. Their music was my mother’s favorite. Rambo music was engraved into the fiber of my being and burned like a tattoo into my soul. It will always be there, because momma put it there! The melodies, the lyrics, the voices, oh the voices, how they’ve echoed from childhood to adulthood. They are timeless!
Reba became a hero to me though she never knew after all, who was I? I had never traveled the world like she had, had never written my first song much less attempted to sing it... never won an award and never looked as magical as she did standing under those brilliant lights... I was in awe of this songbird!
Years later as an adult after I had spent so much time and energy destroying my life with addiction, I was hell bent to not only destroy my life but to completely end it. Depression ravaged my soul because I could not make peace with unspeakable abuse I had suffered in my childhood.
Then out of nowhere… God sent an angel. This angel stood with open arms as if right on time, waiting to pour the oil and wine. She ministered to my deepest wounds, washed my feet, and loved me as only angels can do. She walked me out of darkness and pointed me to the light. She became my friend, my sister, my spiritual mother, my mentor and my teacher. It’s as though I have known her forever... it’s as though the same voice from my childhood memories chosen by my own mother was the very voice God had chosen to use all along. That voice is Reba Rambo! I can’t even imagine how many others there are that would not be here today if not for Reba! Her voice will echo in my soul forever!!! Bravo Reba, Bravo!! You have touched us all!
– Lisa Binion
I have known Reba Rambo for a very long time. In fact, our parents were friends. I have loved her music my entire life. A life highlight was when I asked her to sing, with me, on a new project and she said “YES”! Her voice is easily recognizable as one of the top talents EVER! The songs she has written are a blessing to The Kingdom of God around the world! Her kindness and love is genuine and heartfelt. As phenomenal as her journey, thus far, has been, I feel her best days are still ahead…as one of her songs says, “There’s so many songs that haven’t been sung…Ain’t Givin’ Up Now”! Through heartbreak and loss Reba marches on determined to make a difference and walk in her calling. So honored to call her my friend. Take a listen to her songs and prepare to be blessed!
– Karen Harding
Reba Rambo is gospel music’s “Lady.” Every single person I know who listened to Christian music in the 70’s and 80’s has been influenced by Reba Rambo. I personally took 13 weeks of songwriting classes she taught in 1988, and my life has forever been changed. Reba Rambo is having an amazing resurgence of her ministry of music, speaking, teaching and writing. She is currently providing worship and music for the most popular Christian conferences in America. Her amazing compositions are still being recorded by the highest selling gospel artists and her music is still being nominated for the industry’s most prestigious awards.
To know Reba is to love her. She is the best Christian I know. Invite her to your church or conference. Listen to her music. Read what she writes. Listen to her phenomenal teaching. Reba is a supernova in the Kingdom of God, and she gives all the glory to the Lord.
– Jeff Ferguson
The many giftings in Reba are varied and rich. With great skill, she carries on the work that began with her mother, Dottie. That same anointing flows mightily through Reba, and it is a flow that is vital in these end times. When she ministers, the depth of anointing is apparent and tangible. The flow of the services are elevated as she skillfully follows the Spirit of God. I don’t take giftings and anointings like hers for granted. The earth needs what is in her, and what is in her is life-changing.
Reba imparts to the next generation from the abundant treasure in her. Those impartations are critical to the plan of God for the coming years, and I am so grateful that I get to watch the greatness of God’s plan continue to unfold in her and through her.
It is with great honor and joy that I call this precious lady, this precious gift, my friend!
– Pastor Nancy Dufresne, Dufresne Ministries, Murrieta, CA
I have loved Reba Rambo since I was 11 years old and mama took me to the Jones Hall in Houston, TX to hear The Singing Rambo’s. From those tender days until now, she has been a follower of Jesus. She writes. She sings. She ministers. She is my hero and friend.
– Mark Lowry
From my earliest memories as a child, the soundtrack to my whole world was The Rambo’s. Their music was my mother’s favorite. Rambo music was engraved into the fiber of my being and burned like a tattoo into my soul. It will always be there, because momma put it there! The melodies, the lyrics, the voices, oh the voices, how they’ve echoed from childhood to adulthood. They are timeless!
Reba became a hero to me though she never knew after all, who was I? I had never traveled the world like she had, had never written my first song much less attempted to sing it... never won an award and never looked as magical as she did standing under those brilliant lights... I was in awe of this songbird!
Years later as an adult after I had spent so much time and energy destroying my life with addiction, I was hell bent to not only destroy my life but to completely end it. Depression ravaged my soul because I could not make peace with unspeakable abuse I had suffered in my childhood.
Then out of nowhere… God sent an angel. This angel stood with open arms as if right on time, waiting to pour the oil and wine. She ministered to my deepest wounds, washed my feet, and loved me as only angels can do. She walked me out of darkness and pointed me to the light. She became my friend, my sister, my spiritual mother, my mentor and my teacher. It’s as though I have known her forever... it’s as though the same voice from my childhood memories chosen by my own mother was the very voice God had chosen to use all along. That voice is Reba Rambo! I can’t even imagine how many others there are that would not be here today if not for Reba! Her voice will echo in my soul forever!!! Bravo Reba, Bravo!! You have touched us all!
– Lisa Binion
I have known Reba Rambo for a very long time. In fact, our parents were friends. I have loved her music my entire life. A life highlight was when I asked her to sing, with me, on a new project and she said “YES”! Her voice is easily recognizable as one of the top talents EVER! The songs she has written are a blessing to The Kingdom of God around the world! Her kindness and love is genuine and heartfelt. As phenomenal as her journey, thus far, has been, I feel her best days are still ahead…as one of her songs says, “There’s so many songs that haven’t been sung…Ain’t Givin’ Up Now”! Through heartbreak and loss Reba marches on determined to make a difference and walk in her calling. So honored to call her my friend. Take a listen to her songs and prepare to be blessed!
– Karen Harding
Reba Rambo is gospel music’s “Lady.” Every single person I know who listened to Christian music in the 70’s and 80’s has been influenced by Reba Rambo. I personally took 13 weeks of songwriting classes she taught in 1988, and my life has forever been changed. Reba Rambo is having an amazing resurgence of her ministry of music, speaking, teaching and writing. She is currently providing worship and music for the most popular Christian conferences in America. Her amazing compositions are still being recorded by the highest selling gospel artists and her music is still being nominated for the industry’s most prestigious awards.
To know Reba is to love her. She is the best Christian I know. Invite her to your church or conference. Listen to her music. Read what she writes. Listen to her phenomenal teaching. Reba is a supernova in the Kingdom of God, and she gives all the glory to the Lord.
– Jeff Ferguson